Aim and goal of the study AI in the battery industry:
Outline in a PDF
A. Eggerz and the team
Publication language:English
Publication date
First there are the challenges for battery development and production that are numerous. There is for example the questions around (new) materials, the battery chemistry, cell design as well as production at competitive cost, battery management systems, safety and charging cycles influenced by ageing behavior of the cell chemistry.
Then there is the innovation cycle known from hard-science driven industries. The problem is that progress in hard science is mostly slow and marked by a lot of failures. In addition, traditional research methods have been limited to measuring data in test environments while the elaboration and assessment of real data is limited by the capacity to collect and availability of highly qualified and
trained scientists and development engineers. Also, the pool of available talent is small and follows the educational cycle which is long.
While these are factors are influencing the overall industry, the competitive situation for European based participant of the battery industry is especially challenging due to the dominance of Asian
players. Thus, there is a key interest in advanced, new technologies leveling the competitive field helping to win competition.
To identify why this could be AI/ML and to what extend is the key objective of this study which starts with the research hypothesis that this in fact is possible.
The study about the economic impact of AI/ML in the battery industry will contain the following information and data points:
2) Overview of projects in the field
3) Overview of patents
4) Overview on solution providers
We update the content index in July 2019 and will also publish the research agenda.
Iceventure has followed and worked on the topic of blockchain for quite some time as part of its digital transformation activities (e.g. digital twins) and SaaS practice. We have noticed an increasing interest of our industrial clients who want to explore the possibility of Enterprise Blockchain because of its presumed benefits.
This business study investigates real use cases of (the) blockchain in enterprises. It aims to understand its practicability and advantages as well as the cost savings it facilitates, comparing it to current solutions and possible alternatives.
The most central question that has hitherto remained unanswered is the expected operational cost as well as benefits of an Enterprise Blockchain solution that goes beyond a simple proof of concept, especially in comparison to alternative solutions (e.g. SaaS solutions).
Another central question that even developers have not been able to answer so far, is how costs develop when moving from a public Blockchain (expensive) to a private one and what facilitates this? Moreover, the questions arises what use cases are realistic when this happens?
Furthermore, the value add of a decentralized solution needs to be examined for each use case, especially in the context of Enterprise Blockchains that are meant to solve other issues such replacement of legacy IT and digitalization. That is to say that one needs to ask whether the effort for a decentral IT aligned with the benefits and the market structure.
In a PDF for your convenience:
Outline of the Enterprise Blockchain study
A. Eggerz
T. Robb
Publikation language: English
In addition, many CIOs/CDOs ask which service providers are available, at which costs, and how different proof of concepts (PoCs) and projects compare? Taking into account the increasing number of PoCs, service providers, and start-ups this study provides a comprehensive overview that allows for easy comparisons.
Business Case Study about the market - currently under negotiation for exclusivity.
Service providers that are operating in the markets or plan to enter it.
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Ziel der Studie ist den Einsatz der Blockchain im Unternehmensbereich aus operativen und Kostengesichtspunkten zu bewerten. Diese Studie behandelt "reale use cases" der Blockchain im Unternehmen und betrachtet insbesondere die Praktikabilität und die Vorteile/Nachteile im Vergleich zu alternativen IT-Infrastrukturentscheidungen. Die Erhebung von belastbaren Daten, um Investitionsentscheidungen treffen zu können, ist ein wichtiges Unterkapitel.
Aufgrund von Exklusivpartnern können im Moment keine weiteren Informationen zur Verfügung gestellt werden.
Der Inhalt als PDF:
Inhaltsverzeichnis der Enterprise Blockchain Studie
A. Eggerz
T. Robb
Publikationssprache: Englisch
CIOs, CDOs, Manager, Geschäftsführer und Projektleiter, die sich mit der Blockchain beschäftigen und über den Einsatz im Unternehmen nachdenken.
Diese Marktstudie untersucht den Markt für Internetsecurity & Privacy für KMU-Netzwerke und Heimnetzwerke, sogenannte „Schutzboxen" in Deutschland und ausgewählten Ländern in Europa.
Im Vordergrund steht die Fragestellung, ob und wie Anbieter diese Produktkategorie etablieren können und welche Anforderungen der Markt stellt.
Die Zielgruppe dieser Studie sind Hersteller von hardwarebasierten Lösungen, die verstehen möchten, wie sich in Zukunft der Markt verteilen wird und welche Anforderungen kommen.
Diese Marktstudie untersucht den Markt für intelligente Türklingeln und andere Systeme in Deutschland und ausgewählten Ländern in Europa.
Im Vordergrund steht die Fragestellung, ob und wie neue Anbieter wie Ring in der Lage sind bestehende Systeme abzulösen und welche Lösung von welchem Anbieter sich durchsetzen wird.
Die Zielgruppe dieser Studie sind Hersteller von Türklingelsystemen, Herstellern von intelligenten Türklingeln aber auch für andere Firmen dieses Ökosystems wie Elektriker und Türenhersteller, die verstehen möchten, wie sich in Zukunft der Markt verteilen wird und welche Anforderungen kommen.