
Energy storage & energy

12. August 2019 geschrieben von Freigegeben in Industries

Energy storage and energy – OUR EXPERIENCE

Iceventure is active in energy storage since 2008/2009 when Arnbjörn Eggerz worked on a project in the field.
Our focus is on business questions related to energy storage and energy such as "does battery production make sense in Germany" based on industry life cycle models and sound economic modeling. 
For companies, we offer consulting service on the business side based on technological understanding of the energy storage technology. E.g. we have been among the first to predict the move from EV to home storage as there was demand and sales.

Iceventure is co-initiator of the Batteriestammtisch, the leading network event for energy storage. 

Energy Desk


 A. Eggerz


Energy storage and energy – OUR SERVICES

Software as a Service - SaaS

07. April 2019 geschrieben von Freigegeben in Industries


Iceventure is active in SaaS since 2008/2009 when Arnbjörn Eggerz worked on the first emerging European SaaS project. At the time it was a hard-science analytical software allowing to program algorithms in an Excel like interface. Faced with all the problems you have with a small home market in Europe and key targets in the U.S. he developed a business plan for the start-up very similar to the today known SaaS playbook.

Ever since the SaaS business model and SaaS companies have been key clients for Iceventure. He also developed the first SaaS business model training which is held since 2014 in Germany.


SaaS Desk



 A. Eggerz



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